Friday, July 24, 2009

Who is a friend?

A friend is someonewho listens and cares,a friend is someonewho's always there.A friend brings happinessthat can warm and mend.I'm glad that I cancall you a friend.A lot of people haveentered my life,but one thing remains true...I've never met a single soulwho has touched my heart like you.
Thank you for being a friend

Who is a friend

A friend is someone who listens and cares,a friend is someone who's always there.A friend brings happiness that can warm and mend.I'm glad that I cancall you a friend.A lot of people haveentered my life,but one thing remains true...I've never met a single soul who has touched my heart like you.
Thank you for being a friend

How to start special friendship.

We have a special friendship,and I don't know how it's got started.I don't know whenit happened,but its warmth dwellswithin my heart.It arrived along with happiness that gives my soul a lift,and I'm convinced thatyour friendshipis a precious gift.
Go ahead and make my day.Drop me a line and let meknow how you're doing.I'm sometimesas slow as snail mailin getting back to you,but I want you to knowthat I'm glad I met you.I think about youevery day,and I'm alwayshoping the bestfor you.I look forwardto hearing from you.You really know howto make my day

Are you in pain?

What to do when you are in pain.It is God who arms me with strengthand makes my way perfect.He makes my feet like the feet of the deer;he enables me to stand on the heights.When you're in pain,and it seems like no one understands;when it has gotten exhaustingto even talk about the way you're suffering,remember God.Others may turn their back on you,but He never will.You need explainnothing to Him.He knows how you suffer,and He can see what'sin your heart.Lean on Him.Put your faith in Him.He promised that He wouldnever forsake you,and you can depend on Him.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Believe in yourself

Some people won't believe in you;they won't encourage youto follow your dreams,but you must always believe in you,no matter how long the journeyahead seems.
Some people will be jealous of you;their words will be sharp and unkind,but you must close your earsto such words,and never allow them to changeyour direction or your mind.
I'll always believe in youand encourage youto follow your dreams,try my best to show youthat the road is neveras long as it seems.
I'll always cheer for you;my words will be warm and kind,because I truly treasure you.You own a part of my heart,and you're always on my mind.

success is near.

Success is Look back upon theroad you traveledand visited yesterday,and you'll see thateach mistakehelped you find the way.You stumbledand you fell and you wandered in the night,but it took all of that for you to get it right.There are no shortcuts;we all must err and failif we're to reach the starsat the top of the hill.And in each misstep,and in each bit of pain,we later find thatthere was something to gain.For when the mold we've shapedsuddenly breaks,all we are becomes like new,and something in the soul wakes.Then a light shines ahead,making the way clear,and we find in our next stepthat success is near.